
Can you name an animal that has evolved to fly underwater?

If you guessed the penguin, then you would be correct!

Penguins are actually some of the most loyal creatures on the planet.

Penguins are always wearing a tuxedo, due to their colors that actually help them camouflage into their surroundings.

Penguins love to eat other animals, such as krill, squid, and a variety of fishes. 

You can find penguins on the Antarctic coast’s sub-Antarctic islands.  

There are 18 species of penguins!  10 of these species are endangered due to krill, one of penguins main food and a major role in the Antarctic food chain numbers declining majorly since the 1970’s.  Penguins also face endangerment due to global warming, where the ice they heavily rely on is melting.

Overall, penguins are amazing creatures and we should take a stand against global warming to help them!


Do you know an underwater mammal that is one of the most intelligent animals in the world?

If you guessed the dolphin, then you would be correct!

Dolphins are highly intelligent animals, and are also very friendly to humans. 

Dolphins are very chatty animals, and love fishes and squids.  

You can find dolphins in oceans all over the world, due to so many species. There are actually 36 species of dolphins!

Despite the amazing creature, some species of dolphins are actually endangered due to humans.  Illegal hunting, simply dolphins getting trapped in fishing nets, and marine pollution all play a major role in some species of dolphins being endangered!

Dolphins are amazing creatures who are not only intelligent, but friendly too, so we should all do our part and help protect them!

Koala Bears

Can you name an animal that has a similar finger print to humans?

If you guessed the Koala bear then you would be correct!

Koala bears can be found in southeastern and eastern Australia.  However, koalas continue to be an endangered species, as fewer than 100,000 remain.

A Koala’s diet includes, eucalypt leaves and other tree related species.  

An adult Koala typically weighs around 8.8-33 pounds.

Want another fun fact?  Koalas are born blind and without ears.

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw flying over grassy area

Can you name the largest Parrot in the world?

If you guessed the Scarlet Macaw, you’re correct.  A Scarlet Macaw from the Beak to it’s Tail, can measure up to be as long as 33 inches.

An interesting fact about the Scarlet Macaw is…they can eat toxic fruits that could kill other animals.

Scarlet Macaw’s have strong Beaks that can break hard nuts found in the Rainforest.  

What is the largest bird you’ve ever seen?  Please tell me in a comment.

Blue Morpho Butterfly

Blue Morpho Butterfly

What insect can fly while flapping it’s beautiful identical wings?

If you guessed the Blue Morpho Butterfly, you’re correct.  It is a very beautiful creature. 

The Blue Morpho Butterfly has the exact same pattern on each wing, just like every other Butterfly.

Surprisingly, the pretty blue color on the Blue Morpho Butterflies wings is not actually blue.  The light reflects off the actual brown scales making it look blue.

The Blue Morpho Butterfly is a beautiful creature, what would you do if you spotted one.  Please tell me in a comment.




Do you know the slowest animal in the world?

If you guessed the Sloth, you’re correct.  One of the cutest animals also happens to be the Sloth in my opinion. 

One of the types of Sloth that lives in the Amazon Rainforest is, the Three Toed Sloth.

Sloths may be really slow, but are surprisingly excellent swimmers.  

Sloths matter a lot to the Tropical Rainforest, like the Amazon Rainforest because they are an important part to it’s ecosystem.  

What do you think it would be like to hold a Sloth?  Please tell me in a comment.



Brazil | Capybara, Brazil animals, Baby capybara

Can you name the largest rodent in the world?

If you guessed the Capybara you’re correct.  The Capybara can weigh up to 175 pounds.

Capybaras are adapted to life in water and on land.

The Capybara is unfortunately endangered.  WWF is helping the Capybaras by collecting donations and then in return people get a virtual adoption.  For more information on donating click on this link. Virtual Adoption: Capybara

Do you know any other animals that are endangered?  If you do, please tell me in a comment.

Amazon Manatees

Did you know that Amazon Manatees are vegetarians?

A vegetarian does not eat meat.  Amazon manatees drink water and eat lettuce and hyacinth. If you’re wondering what a hyacinth is click on this Link.

Examples of other animals that are vegetarians are Snow Gooses, Dugongs, and Rhinos.

My teacher is a vegetarian, but has a hard time finding things to eat at school.

Do you know any foods that are ok for vegetarians to eat?  If you do please tell me in a comment.



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